Snapshots of some of our projects…
5 focus causes - where we put a majority of our effort.
Under-employed Australians
Understanding true project costings
‘‘You challenged us to lead with rationality not emotion in considering the best approach to expansion.” Andrea Comastri, CEO Hotel Etico
FREE TO FEED: Long-term Sustainability
The Tanarra team were insightful, technically skilled, astute, commercial and pragmatic - exactly what one seeks in an advisor. There was no need to decode their work, plus they were delightful to deal with.
MATES ON THE MOVE: New Financial Model
For the first time in our five-year history, we are on track to break even. Tanarra gave us a new financial model and insights that we use daily. They pressure tested our ideas.
SAFE AND EQUAL: Voice of lived experience enterprise concept
Tanarra guided Safe and Equal through a competitor analysis and product review process, resulting in a consolidated offering of services most likely to success from a mission and commercial perspective.
HOMIE: Increase Commercial Income
‘Tanarra has enabled us to assess our business model on a whole new level of commercial depth and connected us with Click Frenzy, resulting in $20K in revenue – we are absolutely stoked with the result.’ Nick Pearce, Co-Founder, HOMIE
BREAKOUT ACCELERATOR: Supporting rural innovators
The Breakout Accelerator program unearths, connects and mentors rural innovators who want to drive their ideas forward to grow a business whilst staying in the communities they love.
How to objectively assess good growth
Four year budget forecast
Theory of Change and Strategy
OURSCHOOL: How to grow a great idea
‘Thank you for the brilliant work, kindness and expert guidance investigating and showing us what Ourschool needs to do to survive and prosper for the benefit of state school students- past and present.’ Caroline Milburn, CEO Ourschool
“This project has been extremely valuable for the Network and BackTrack, the workshop activity was a real stroke of genius!” Marcus Watson CEO
ATSIMA: A sharper strategy & revenue model
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance is transforming the teaching and learning of mathematics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners.
TALK OUT LOUD Revised strategy and mission
Tanarra has been a game-changer. Talk Out Loud now has a clear purpose and road map that guides our growth.”Brett Knowles, Chair.
EMPOWR: Business model advice
EmpowR mobility was looking for an objective view of their current strategy and business model.
BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS - A sustained future
Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia provides long-term one-to-one mentoring to help change the course of vulnerable young peoples lives. It sought Tanarra’s advice as a sounding board for its proposed approach to achieving a sustainable future.
The Board sought independent advice on establishing an endowment fund to support our sustainability. Their investment team helped us consider structure, management, reporting, risks, fee negotiations, liquidity requirements, fund options, and other key considerations.
FARM MY SCHOOL: Start-up strategy for success
Tanarra posed tough questions and provided feedback on our mission and strategy, financial model, and growth plan.
MACA: Building the Revenue Model
‘We don’t come from a finance world. We now have the early modelling built to stay focused. Tanarra helped us think globally and narrow our top three big ideas. You gave us gold nuggets to propel our work .” Helen Lindner, Chief Executive, MACA
UMBO: Building enterprise success
‘We have a better understanding of key parts of our constitution in relation to profit use, investment structure, share allocation, and what may attract, or put off potential investors.’ Weh Yeoh, Founder UMBO
MANFIELD AUTISM Advice on expansion
Mansfield Autism Statewide Services (MASS) supports individuals and their families living with autism. They purchased a 100-acre property and completed a $25m master plan to expand their services.
TEACH FOR AUSTRALIA: geographic expansion
Teach for Australia is part of a global movement dedicated to breaking the cycle of disadvantage through teaching and leadership in education.
Protection of our environment
Board refresh and good governance
Financial model for success
FARESHARE: Strategic Plan advice
‘Sometimes you get so immersed in the detail of your own sector that you can’t see the challenges through the eyes of an outsider looking in- Tanarra played a valuable role.’ Paul Conroy, COO Fareshare
WILDLIFE WONDERS: Start Up Operations
Tanarra has provided business and financial advice to Conservation Ecology Centre for three years to help bring ecotourism enterprise Wildlife Wonders to a commercial reality.
SUSTAIN: A Sharper Strategy
Sustain, the Australian food network is a dynamic grassroots charity helping communities to design and create better food systems that generate less waste, are better for the environment, fairer for producers, and increase access to healthy, fresh and locally grown food.
FARM MY SCHOOL: Start-up strategy for success
Tanarra posed tough questions and provided feedback on our mission and strategy, financial model, and growth plan.
Wildlife Wonders Eco Tourism Enterprise
‘It has been invaluable to work with someone who can not only speak and translate the language of investment, but also read help us understand the potential risks and opportunities. ’ Lizzie Corke, CEO, Conservation Ecology Centre
Rural and Regional Advancement
Operating budget forecast and entity structure
FRRR: Financial model to improve long term success
The Tanarra team reviewed the funding model of FRRR’s core programs and developed a new financial dashboard to provide a clearer picture of the impact of different programs on the overall sustainability of the organisation.
“This project has been extremely valuable for the Network and BackTrack, the workshop activity was a real stroke of genius!” Marcus Watson CEO
“Tanarra’s impact can be seen through all levels of our charity from the committee to the warehouse.” Andrew Schauble, CEO
Tanarra helped CFD work through the strategic options, risks and considerations to enable the board to make an informed decision on effort versus outcome of sharing its custom-made project evaluation and management tool.
ATSIMA: A sharper strategy & revenue model
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance is transforming the teaching and learning of mathematics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners.
EMPOWR: Business model advice
EmpowR mobility was looking for an objective view of their current strategy and business model.
THE FUNDING NETWORK: growing giving in regional Australia
‘Tanarra assessed the viability of our regional and expansion model with a fresh set of eyes. Their expertise and analysis has allowed our Board to more effectively consider its decision whether or not to invest in this substantial new program.’ Julie McDonald, CEO,TFN
UMBO: Building enterprise success
‘We have a better understanding of key parts of our constitution in relation to profit use, investment structure, share allocation, and what may attract, or put off potential investors.’ Weh Yeoh, Founder UMBO
‘The value was in having Tanarra focus on the shape of our organisation and our readiness to gain the most advantage from a new strategic direction.’ Matt Linnegar, CEO.
ACRE: Being investor ready
‘We’ve learnt a lot from Tanarra. Their advisory role has been an enormous boost to building our capacity especially with financial modelling. We have a stronger understanding of what potential investors need to see.’ Matt Pfalhert, CEO, ACRE
MANFIELD AUTISM Advice on expansion
Mansfield Autism Statewide Services (MASS) supports individuals and their families living with autism. They purchased a 100-acre property and completed a $25m master plan to expand their services.
Business model
Viability of Community Land Trust Model
Other - National impact potential
KILFINAN Financial Analysis
Building financial rigour into this successful mentoring program
PINK ELEPHANTS NETWORK: Changing the law for loss
‘The bill amendment passed in parliament today. Thank you for your incredibly generous and valuable contribution of economic modelling and guidance that helped to strengthen our case for support. ’ Samantha Payne, CEO, Pink Elephants Network
MACA: Building the Revenue Model
‘We don’t come from a finance world. We now have the early modelling built to stay focused. Tanarra helped us think globally and narrow our top three big ideas. You gave us gold nuggets to propel our work .” Helen Lindner, Chief Executive, MACA
‘Tanarra has taken us to a new place of thinking. We’ve shifted how we do our core work to better our outcomes, at scale, for older Australians in Aged Care homes.’ Peter Kenny, Chair, MBF Foundation
UMBO: Building enterprise success
‘We have a better understanding of key parts of our constitution in relation to profit use, investment structure, share allocation, and what may attract, or put off potential investors.’ Weh Yeoh, Founder UMBO
SOCIAL IMPACT HUB: Collaboration
‘Tanarra did a fantastic job of providing the right balance of challenging questions and constructive feedback to our enterprises. For many, it was the first time they’d been exposed to an investor in a one-on-one meeting.’ Jess Roth, Founder, Social Impact Hub
REFUGEES WELCOME: Start up challenges
‘Tanarra helped us find the right balance between what should be done and what can be done.’
CHERISHED PETS: The best pitch to potential investors
Tanarra investment mentors coached social enterprise Cherished Pets on their pitch as part of the Scaling Impact Program run by Social Impact Hub